RWA advocates before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Congress on behalf of its members.
From Alaska to Alabama, RWA is dedicated to supporting our member companies in their efforts to extend wireless coverage to our rural communities through our innovative advocacy. Our devoted team of legal and regulatory experts ensures our carrier members have a voice in Washington.
The RWA Advocacy Team:
- Secured a 15% rural service provider bidding credit for the 600 MHz Auction, and formulated and structured the 600 MHz auction for a successful outcome by rightsizing license areas and preventing package bidding.
- Participates in the CAF Phase II proceeding to ensure wireless broadband providers are funded.
- Continues to be deeply involved in the Mobility Fund Phase II proceeding to ensure that rural wireless companies can meet both capex and opex for LTE buildout.
- Files dozens of pleadings, comments and ex partes each year covering issues that impact rural wireless carriers including Universal Service/Mobility Fund/CAF; Spectrum Auctions; Fair and Reasonable Roaming Access to Devices; Unfair Competition.
- Works to ensure that rural wireless companies secure fair and reasonable roaming agreements.
- Ensuring that the FCC fairly addresses the 700 MHz buildout rules, so the spectrum is not warehoused by licensees unwilling to build wireless networks in rural and remote areas.
RWA Emphasizes Importance of Wireless Deployments in Closing Digital Divide
Washington, D.C. – The Rural Wireless Association, Inc. (RWA) met recently with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to discuss the important role of fixed and mobile wireless solutions in the implementation of the Bipartisan [...]
RWA Endorses Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Reform the USF Contribution System
Washington, D.C. – RWA has endorsed the bipartisan, bicameral Reforming Broadband Connectivity Act that has been proposed in both the House (H.R. 6314) and Senate (S. 3236). As RWA explained in letters to the House and Senate sponsors, this legislation [...]
RWA Applauds Senate Commerce Committee on Moving Gigi Sohn’s Confirmation as Fifth FCC Commissioner Forward
Washington, D.C. – The Rural Wireless Association applauds the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on moving the nomination of Gigi Sohn as the fifth FCC Commissioner to the full Senate. RWA looks forward to [...]
RWA Urges Measures to Increase Rural and Tribal Participation in the Enhanced Competition Incentive Program
Washington, D.C. – The Rural Wireless Association has filed comments in response to the FCC’s Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Enhanced Competition Incentive Program. The ECIP seeks to encourage licensees to partition, disaggregate, or [...]