Broadband Privacy Comments Push for Rural-Friendly Modifications

If adopted, the FCC's proposed broadband privacy rules would place significant regulatory burdens on broadband providers. RWA seeks rural-friendly modifications to the proposed rules, including extension of rule implementation dates or exemption from certain rules [...]

2016-12-06T17:41:36-04:00 June 3rd, 2016|Categories: Advocacy, FCC Filings|Tags: , , , , |

Joint Network Resiliency Comments Emphasize Need for True Bilateral Roaming

RWA, along with NTCA - The Rural Broadband Association, provided input on the voluntary wireless network resiliency initiative which aims to promote wireless continuity during disasters and emergencies. The comments emphasize the need for fully [...]

2016-12-06T17:44:25-04:00 June 3rd, 2016|Categories: Advocacy, FCC Filings, Roaming|Tags: , , , , |

RWA Member Briefings on the Mobility Fund and TTY Waiver Orders

Mobility Fund Status Update - Member Action Recommended On December 18, 2015, RWA met with staff from the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau to discuss the Mobility Fund proceeding. The primary purpose of the meeting was to [...]

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