Anniversary of the FCC’s Public Safety Plan

One year ago, the Federal Communications Commission laid out a proposal for creating “a cutting-edge public safety communications system” for our nation’s first responders by auctioning the D Block in order to fund the construction and maintenance of that network.

Since that time, unfortunately, and almost a decade after the tragic events of 9/11, still nothing has happened.

Responding to a Congressional mandate to auction the D Block, the FCC offered a comprehensive set of recommendations that includes an adequate funding mechanism and LTE capabilities to ensure public safety priority access on the commercial network. This access will allow public safety to capitalize on the significant investments commercial networks have made in advanced 4G technology, saving public safety billions of dollars in developing the network. At a time when we face crushing national debt, we cannot rely on the federal government to provide billions of dollars in additional funding needed to build a standalone network. Auctioning the D Block is the most efficient, cost-effective means for creating a cutting-edge public safety network that is both reliable and cost-effective.

Congress and the FCC got it right the first time. Let’s not waste another year before we actually do something about it.

About CPSN – Connect Public Safety Now, of which RTG is a member, represents a broad-based group of stakeholders working to ensure the construction of a reliable and cost-effective interoperable network for our nation’s first responders and its citizens. Connect Public Safety Now is a call to the FCC, the White House and Congress to protect the public by building the broadband network that public safety needs – now. For more information about Connect Public Safety Now, please visit us at:

2018-03-07T16:16:48-04:00 March 17th, 2011|Categories: Spectrum|Tags: , , |
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