Trilogy LTE Services, Inc.


George Woodward, CEO (425) 241-0309 Trilogy LTE is the pioneer of “Diameter as a Service” (DaaS) specifically focused on enabling cost effective roaming for America’s rural LTE operators. Trilogy’s managed service provides the technology and skills needed to enable the new Peer-to-Peer direct network connection option for rural operators. Trilogy installs and manages an in-network and cloud [...]

TESSCO Technologies Incorporated


John Celentano, Market Development Manager (410) 229-1186 TESSCO is Your Total Source® for wireless communications products and solutions for business professionals. You can choose from over 25,000 competitively-priced products from 300 manufacturers with guaranteed delivery. Co-Sponsor of the 2011 Wireless Symposium and WiExpo, produced by NTCA and RTG (January 2011).



Curtis Knobloch, CEO (940) 397-9600 Telispire provides private-labeled nationwide wireless resale solutions for ILECs, CLECs and electrical cooperatives.  Telispire is uniquely positioned to provide a virtual carrier environment to clients by strategically partnering with nationwide wireless carriers.