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So far Account Administrator has created 611 blog entries.

4G Coalition submits comment on increasing public safety interoperability by promoting competition for public safety communications technologies

The 4G Coalition submitted comments arguing that competition among equipment providers to any telecommunications service -- including public safety services -- is critical and that the lack of competition in the public safety communications marketplace [...]

2010-09-20T01:42:56-04:00 September 20th, 2010|Categories: FCC Filings, Handsets|Tags: , , , , |

Wireless Strategy paper on “Lower 700 MHz Interference Management” filed with the FCC

The Coalition for 4G in America submitted a letter and paper supporting the promotion of interoperability across the entire 700 MHz Band to ensure the development of a multiband commercial and public safety device ecosystem. [...]

RTG and others submit proposal to permit use of vacant White Spaces

On September 16, RTG, FiberTower, WCAI and Sprint Nextel spoke with Rick Kaplan, Chief Counsel and Senior Legal Advisor to Chairman Genachowski on a number of issues including: a proposal to permit limited fixed licensed [...]

FCC will bank surrendered High Cost support for future use – RTG to file comments

The FCC has issued an NPRM that provides details regarding the implementation of Verizon Wireless’s and Sprint Nextel’s commitments to surrender high-cost universal service support as required by the FCC when it approved their respective [...]

RTG and others reject WISPA’s continued attempts to exclude limited licensed point-to-point backhaul operations in the White Spaces

RTG, FiberTower, Sprint Nextel and WCAI, (Coalition), refuted the latest allegations made by the Wireless Internet Service Providers Association (WISPA) regarding the Coalition’s proposal to permit limited fixed licensed use of a limited percentage of [...]

2018-03-07T16:16:54-04:00 September 16th, 2010|Categories: Spectrum, TV White Spaces|Tags: , , , , , |
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