In a letter to FCC Chairman Copps, RTG expresses its support for the ex parte presentation by the Rural Cellular Association (RCA) to Ms. Schneider of his staff. RTG shares RCA’s opposition to the Universal Service Administrative Company’s (USAC) arbitrary and unjustified decision to remove ALLTEL/Verizon support from the pool of capped support that competitive eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) may receive. USAC has explained that its policy decision was based on the Verizon-ALLTEL Merger Order, an Order that contains absolutely no instructions to USAC to remove such support from the pool of capped support. Absent specific instructions, USAC is prohibited from making such an interpretation best left for the FCC.
The FCC should not approve of USAC’s ad hoc rogue agency interpretation in this matter. RTG supports a speedy resolution of this issue in favor of retaining the existing March 2008 statewide cap amounts, and opposes an unwarranted and unwise reduction of high-cost USF support to many rural providers.
Click here for a copy of the letter.